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Online Health tip: FOOD AND NUTRITION

mango Read more at: https://www.boldsky.com/health/nutrition/health-benefits-of-mango-seeds-130658.html#vuukle-comments

Good Food
Food is very important for our body. We can’t live without it. So you must always have good food. Good food means the right kind of food for good health. It is nutritious. It must contain natural substances that our body needs to grow properly and stay healthy. But remember, you must not eat too much though the food is good. Eating too much is bad for health. You have to eat only a certain amount of food that your body needs. So we do not need the same kind of food in the same quantity. It depends on your growth and physical structure.

Health and hygiene.
Health is the condition of our body and mind. It may be good or bad. Good health means healthy body free from diseases. It is essential for everyone to lead a happy life. If we are not in good health, we cannot concentrate on any activity in our life. A proverb goes, “Health is wealth.” It means health is equally valuable as gold or any other personal possessions. We may have vast wealth and property, but if we are not healthy we cannot enjoy them. To keep ourselves healthy, we have to do certain things. We have to take a balanced diet. We must exercise regularly to keep our body fit for work. There is an old saying: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man happy, wealthy and wise.” So we should not keep late hours. We should go to bed early at night and rise early in the morning. Peace of mind is another condition for good health. So we must not worry over small things of life.
The word “hygiene” means the practice of keeping ourselves clean. It also means to keep our home and work places clean. It is important for our good health. Hygiene is thought to be next to godliness. It is because we cannot achieve anything physically, mentally or spiritually if we are unclean in our body, mind and soul. Nobody likes an unclean person either. So we must follow the rules of hygiene. First, we must keep our body clean. We should have a bath every day and wash our hair regularly. This will keep the body and hair free from dirt and bacteria. Secondly, we should wash our clothes regularly. Dirty clothes give off bad smell and invite germs. We should wear socks and shoes when we go out to protect our feet from dust and germs. It is also important to wash our hands before meals and after using the toilet. We should brush our teeth twice a day, after breakfast and supper. We must also cut our nails regularly. Our drinking water must be safe. We can get pure water by boiling and filtering.

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